Poems to Learn by Heart
By: Caroline Kennedy
Paintings by: Jon J Muth

            Caroline Kennedy has handpicked over one hundred poems that she feels tell the story of life. Some are sad, some are funny, some are serious, and some are silly. But Caroline Kennedy feels that we should read and know them all. She says the more poems you know, the more wisdom you receive, and the more knowledge and confidence we gain.
            The poems are divided into topics about daily life like friendship and sports. These poems can be read and enjoyed by most anyone that can read or listen to a story. They explore deep emotions, as well as ordinary life experiences. The paintings shown along with the poems help enhance the poems meaning and beauty.

I really have a true love for this book. I own my own copy of this book and absolutely love flipping through it reading a different poem from time to time. I think this is a book for all ages honestly, even if a student isn’t able to read it I think they would enjoy having these poems being read to them. I would absolutely use this book in my classroom one day. I think it would make a cool project to have students pick their own poem and do some sort of project or dissection of the poem.


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