Wee Rhymes: Baby’s First Poetry Book
By: Jane Yolen
Illustrated by: Jane Dyer
            This is a collection of poems and nursery rhymes for children. Two women who know how important bedtime poems and nursery rhymes are have put them into a book altogether. There are some old mother goose favorites inside this collection, but most are written by Jane Yolen. All of the poems are about baby topics like belly buttons, kisses, and hugs.
            The illustrations in this book are done beautifully by Jane Dyer. They have a wonderful old timey feel to them. There is use of beautiful watercolor and pastels, which are very pleasing to the eye. Also, Jane Dyer does a wonderful job of creating diversity within the pictures. There are children of all color and culture within the book, making it a wonderful read for all children.

I absolutely love the old timey feel of this book; it brings me back to the times my Mom read to me as a child. We would read Nursery Rhymes often, and by the age of 3 or 4 I could recite many of them. This book is wonderful for babies and toddlers learning how to talk and connect ideas. With this book, I may bring it into a kindergarten class to remind them of poems they may have read when they were a child.


  1. Hailey -- I like that you noticed the diversity in illustrations.


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