By: Peter Reynolds
Realistic Fiction

This story is about a little boy named Ramon. He loves to draw anything, anywhere and at any time. He is made fun of by his brother Leon and it makes Ramon frustrated. After this incident, Ramon tries to make all his paintings look “right”. He tries to make them look perfect just like they are in real life. This makes Ramon frustrated, and he loses his true love for art.
Ramon’s feelings change after he finds that his little sister has been stealing Ramon’s crumpled up paintings and hanging them on her wall. He learns to love art again, because one person can’t ruin his art.    

I really love this book! I recognized the author from The Dot. I remember loving that book, so I was sure it would be the same for this one; and boy was I right. This is such an amazing way to encourage students to not be phased by one rude remark. I would absolutely use this book in my classroom to incorporate art and inspiration. I think this book would be good for all ages honestly.


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