Why Am I Me?
By: Paige Britt
Illustrated by: Sean Qualls & Selina Alko

Why am I Me is an interesting book that explores the curiosity of young minds by asking a simple, yet complex question of identity. The book offers no answers as it explores this question by engaging the mind with endless possibilities. As the little boy wonders what it might be like if he were someone else or someone else was him, he explores all the different ways he might be. The pictures are also simple but attractive as you see the world through the eyes of a child's mind.

This book would be a great asset in my classroom to help engage the minds of the students and draw them to explore questions that really don't have a single satisfactory answer. A questioning mind is a growing mind. I would use this book for pre-k - 1st grade, to help my students learn that it's alright to have questions about things, things that may not even have answers.


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